Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friday's Party Favor: Candy Buffet

A Candy Buffet is the perfect way to wrap up a party! It is simple and sure to be a hit at any wedding, party, or other event! To start, make a list of between 8 and ten candies or baked goods. Here are some ideas:
1. Gummy Worms/Bears
2. Hershey's Miniatures
3. Chocolate or Yogurt covered Pretzels 
4. Nerds, Laffy Taffy, Sweet Tarts, Other Wonka Candy
5. M & M's 
6. Skittles (sour, original, tropical etc.)
7. Fresh Chocolate Chip Cookies
8. Anything from the 101 things to dip in chocolate list
9. Mini Cupcakes
10. Brownies

Any of these things are great! Come up with your own ideas too! Next find cool containers and jars to display the candy in. I found that different sized mason jars are good for an Alice in Wonderland party, but matching crystal glasses are better for a wedding. Choose something that matches with your theme. You can also wrap a cardboard box in wrapping paper to use for elevating some of your jars. 

Next find something for your guests to put their goodies in! Chinese food containers work great for this purpose. You can order them from in a variety of colors, designs, and sizes. They are also very affordable. Adding monograms to the boxes can add a nice personalized touch.

An important step to making your candy buffet a success is making it look nice. Arrange your candy in jars so that it looks like it is meant to be there, and wasn't just thrown there. Another nice touch is to add flowers to either side of your table. Find a nice table cloth and runner to add color. Tie different size and color ribbon to the jars. 

Hope your candy buffet is a success!

Happy Planning


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